Psalm 23:6 Forever Home


Surely your [God’s] goodness and love will follow 
me all the
days of my life, and I will dwell in the 
house of the LORD forever. Psalm 23:6
This post is in memory of my precious Aunt JoAnne, who
stepped through the gates into the house of the LORD on Friday evening, July 26, 2019.
David ends this psalm with confidence and praise. How can he do differently?
His praise for his Shepherd has flowed from every verse.
  • God is David’s provider (Psalm 23:1).
  • God brings David to places of peace and refreshes his soul (Psalm 23:1-3a). 
  • God guides David in the right way when he has decisions to
    make. (Psalm 23:3a).
  • God encourages and strengthens David, even when he walks
    through dark times; His presence comforts him during hardship and difficulty. (Psalm
  • God sustains David when he faces dangerous enemies and fills
    him to overflowing with His grace (Psalm 23:5).
Like David, we can experience God’s peace, guidance,
presence, and love, no matter our circumstances. 
David doesn’t qualify his statements
to match his circumstances.
I do that too often. I acknowledge God’s peace when
things are going well and I feel His presence when I’m on the mountain top.
During dark times, I sometimes allow despair to capture my
mind and I often accuse God of leaving me to suffer alone.
We can claim the promise of David’s words: God’s goodness and
love follow us every day of our lives. Not just on sunny days, not only when
life is easy, but every day!
And when our days end, we can know that we know that we will
step into His House and live with Him forever.
We can cling to the promise that
we will join our family and friends who have gone before us.
When I step into eternity, my mom, my parents-in-love, my grandparents, my Aunt
JoAnne, and so many other loved ones will be waiting for me and we will rejoice
with Jesus forever.

In my next post, we close out our journey through Psalm 23 and mine the gems that await us as we apply it to our daily lives. 

How do David’s words in Psalm 23:6 increase your confidence in God?

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    The Conversation

  1. Sending prayers of grace and peace for you and your family ma'am. These are tough times as we all must grieve; but remember, the instant your aunt crossed that threshold, her spirit was in her eternal home with Jesus Christ! What joy she's found. God's blessings ma'am.

  2. Katherine says:

    Psalm 23 was my grandmother's favorite Psalm. She died many years ago, but I still remember her faith and the reminder that she loved her Lord with her whole heart. I'm sorry for your loss, but it sounds as if you have many loving people that lived their lives as wonderful examples for other.

  3. Jann Butts says:

    No matter what the circumstances of our lives, GOD is with us, loves us. Nothing can separate us from His love.
    Thank You, Yeshua Messiah, for Your sacrifice that allows us eternal salvation!!!

  4. Caroline says:

    Beautiful and comforting to know God is so many things to us. What a great God we serve! Thank you, Sherry, for reminding us again.