Can I Be the Samaritan Woman?

Can I Be the Samaritan Woman?

Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the town and
said to the people, “Come, see a man who told me everything
I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?” John 4:28-29

Some of us are familiar with this story. Jesus is tired and thirsty and He sits by a well in the desert of Samaria. Soon a woman comes to fill her water jar and Jesus asks her for something to drink. What follows is a discussion of faith and of the Messiah. Once she placed her faith in Jesus as the Messiah, she rushed back into town and began to share the wonderful news with everyone she saw.

When I think of this story, I ask myself, “Am I so excited about Jesus that I share Him with everyone I meet?” I used to be. Recently, God used this woman to speak to my heart, to assure me that I can be again.

I’ve been in a funk for way too long. Now that I’ve raised my head above the muck, do I have anything to share? I’ve not posted on my blog in forever. Should I even try? Do I have anything to offer anymore?

Can I be the Samaritan woman.

For years, I have walked with our amazing, loving, merciful God. I’ve stumbled and crawled; God’s lifted me up more times than I can count. Because of His grace, I have faith to share and wisdom to offer.

God doesn’t expect me to shout, “Jesus is Lord!” from the rooftops. He wants me to quietly share His love and wisdom with those around me.

So, I’m starting to blog again. My words might jumble now and then, but I can trust God to lift them into someone’s heart. Am I worthy to be His spokesperson? No, but I am willing.

And you? Trust me, you are a Rock star. You are a Power proclaimer. You are a Love broadcaster. You are filled with God’s grace and mercy. If I can do it, you can!

Are you the woman coming to the well of God’s love, feeling dried up and thirsty? Do you believe you have anything to give? A smile, a kind word, a card or phone call. God can use even the small things to lift someone’s heart.

God can use you far beyond what you can imagine.

How has God used someone to lift you up from your doubts? Who can you shower with God’s love and grace?

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    The Conversation

  1. Paula Reinmuth says:

    Your words spoke to my heart Sherry!

  2. Barbara Latta says:

    Sherry, I can identify with what you said. I sometimes feel that “funk.” I wonder why I even blog. But I always remember one comment from a friend who told me what she read lifted her up during a bad time. That also encouraged me as to my purpose. We never know who may read those words in the future. May you be blessed!

    • Sherry Carter says:

      Thank you, Barbara, for the reminder that God can use our words. We may never know how He touches someone else.

  3. Ginger Harrington says:

    Welcome back! I’ve missed your words. I totally understand the ups and downs of this writing life. I want to affirm your decision to get back in the water. Your words matter. Thank you for being brave to start again.

    • Sherry Carter says:

      Ginger, It’s easy to talk ourselves out of that first step, isn’t it? Thank you for the encouragement. It means a lot to me.

  4. Heather says:

    Hi Sherry, when I purchased your bible study, Life Principles for the Storms of Life it changed my life. Since then I have come to realize and understand that God doesn’t want us to only share His love with others when we are at our best. So many people are reachable right where they are because of right we are. When you lead by example, by being real about life and its struggles, that’s when you can do the most good . I am so happy to hear that you’re back and just as honest as before. You have a lot to share and you are making a difference. I am proof of it. God made you the way that you are for a reason and there are those of us who are listening and learning from you. I’m happy to hear that you started your blog. Keep up the great work that you are doing.

    • Sherry Carter says:

      Heather, you have no idea how much your comment means to me! Thank you so much for your sweet words about my first Bible study. We author’s too often don’t know how God uses our writing.

      It’s easy for me to listen to the enemy’s lies that I have nothing to offer. Your words confirm to me what God has been whispering, “I can use you even more powerfully in your weakness.”

      I ask God to remind me of His glory as I begin to post my series on the names of God. I hope He uses it to bless you.

  5. Nancy E. Head says:

    Welcome back! Thanks for encouraging me! God bless!