Tagged: Truth

  • Do You Need God’s Restoring Rain?

            Let my teaching drop as the rain, my speech distill as the dew, as raindrops on the tender herb, as shower on the grass. Deuteronomy 32: 2   For several years, the land in west Texas has been parched. We prayed, even begged for rain.   The past few weeks, God’s blessed us – and the transformation has been remarkable.   Overnight, the bare, dusty fields exploded in green of every… Read More

  • Excerpt from Storms of Life, Green: Growth

    When I think of green, I think of my lawn – of what it could be if I nurtured it. We put in a sprinkler system so it gets watered. But food? There’s no auto-feed system out there for grass. I know I’m supposed to feed it in the fall, to give it nourishment to carry it through the winter. I know I’m supposed to feed it in the spring, to give it energy to… Read More