Tagged: Time with God

  • On the QT: The 5 W’s – Who?

    Remember, if you comment to this post, you could win a copy of Storms of Life! This is the second post on the 5 W's of Quiet Time. For the first post, go to On the QT: The 5 W's The first W: Who? This should be a given - but is it? It’s where we must start. For a Christian, quiet time is spent with God. In Conversation! Me and Him. You and Him. Time… Read More

  • How Does God Define Discipline?

    The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend. Exodus 33:11His [Moses] face was radiant because he had spoken with the LORD. Exodus 34:29 Some of you know that my focus for this year is the word Discipline.These two verses caught my attention as the key to and result of being disciplined. When I think of discipline, I think of commitment: committed to God's call to write, committed… Read More

  • Feed the Fire!

    Ps 119:105 says God’s Word is a light for our paths. I made the mistake of assuming the light was something God provided—I just walked along, taking advantage of it. I missed the “God’s Word” part. God’s Word can’t light my path by osmosis. What happens to a campfire if no one adds a log or some twigs to it? What happens to your gas stove if the gas is shut off? What happens to… Read More

  • Sunrist…Sunset

    Sunrise…Sunset              Sunrise…Sunset Wasn’t that a song? Oh. I remember. It was a song from Fiddler on the Roof. How many of you are too young to remember that movie?  Sunrise: the start of a new day. Light floods the earth almost instantly. One minute, it’s diffuse and grey, the next it’s bright and the air’s charged with energy.    Sunset: the end of the day. Light seems to slowly soften. The sky fills with purple… Read More