Tagged: Thankfulness

  • 5 Keys of F.A.I.T.H

    I took this amazing picture the Saturday before Thanksgiving at the Midland, TX, airport. Roses blooming in the ice. They're determined, aren't they?           The world around them is frozen. Hostile.           Still, they bloom. We all experience winter. We walk in a hostile world. How can we bloom when our lives feel frozen? Find protection in your F...A...I...T...H Fellowship: Friends insulate you from the cold. Hugs block the wind.  Words of encouragement soothe you like a… Read More

  • Do We Forget to Say Thank You?

    I am so excited to have Cynthia Lovely as my guest blogger for July's Final Friday.       There are times we send forth prayers from the deepest parts of our hearts, petitioning the great God of the universe to intercede on our behalf. We pray each day, focused and with great fervor, reminding the Lord of our need.  And God answers. The problem is solved. The solution makes sense. The worry is gone.… Read More

  • The Heart of Thankfulness

    www.morguefile.com "Give thanks to the LORD Almighty, for the LORD is good; his love endures forever." Jeremiah 33:11 What are you thankful for? All the normal things come to mind: family friends, home, job…But Jeremiah’s words draw us back to the heart of thankfulness. Give thanks for the Lord’s goodness.  His goodness doesn’t lie in the blessings He showers on us.His goodness lies totally in His Son. His grace was and is lived out through… Read More

  • Are You Satisfied?

     They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your house, And You give them drink from the river of Your pleasures. Psalm 36:8 (New King James Version)It’s Thanksgiving, a time when we look around and see the blessings God has poured out on us.  But what about 2 months ago? Or 2 months from now?Will we still be thankful or will our minds fill with the things we want – the things others have?The Psalmist says… Read More