Tagged: Spring

  • The Joy of Sprinting

    We've all done it. We pray diligently and we’re certain we know the next step in God’s plan. So, why wait? Let’s go sprinting down the path as fast as we can. There’s a problem with that: sprinters dash for short distances and then they’re pooped. We zip along and, when we’re exhausted, we look to God for strength. Surprise, surprise, He’s not there! We look behind us and there He is: “You ran off… Read More

  • Look Out Your Window

    Photo by Sherry Carter 2014   Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. Song of Solomon 2:12As we look around our world, we see so many evidences of God's glory. Near my house, these Bradford pear trees are in full bloom, announcing that spring is just around the corner.You might be enjoying spring or you might be covered in snow but, all… Read More