Tagged: Righteousness

  • Those Who Hunger and Thirst

    Photo by Taylor Ann Wright on Unsplash.com Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness  for they shall be filled. Matthew 5:6 Blessed (loved and favored by God) are those who hunger (used figuratively: to crave desperately or to long for) and thirst (used figuratively: to eagerly seek refreshment for the soul) for righteousness (a heart right with God) for they shall be filled (satisfied by spiritual blessings.) Have you seen the pictures of the children in third-world countries who are emaciated? It breaks my heart! Their parents can't go… Read More

  • I Will Rejoice!

    I will greatly rejoice in the Lord. He has blessed me beyond all I can imagine. A loving husband. A beautiful home. A great sister. Two wonderful daughters. A friend closer than a sister. My soul will be joyful. He has filled me with His presence . Hope. Peace. Strength. Wisdom. He has clothed me in salvation. Adopted me as His very own. Cleansed me white as snow. Removed my sin as far as the… Read More