Tagged: Resurrection

  • Jesus’ Suffering…Our Redemption

    sadwallpaperhd.blogspot.com I'm studying through Matthew during my quiet time and, early last week, I read the chapters on Jesus' arrest, torture, and crucifixion. I sat in despair at the horror these chapters described. I was drawn to Isaiah 53 - words written hundreds of years before Jesus' birth. Jesus knew the agony that faced Him and yet He came. Despised Rejected Esteemed not Stricken by God Afflicted Pierced Crushed Oppressed God's judgement poured out on… Read More

  • Do You Know Him?

       "Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. Isaiah 1:18   When my husband and I took the train from Washington D.C. to Pittsburgh in February,  the fields of freshly fallen snow reminded me of this verse in Isaiah.    God promises us that Jesus’s death, His burial, and His return… Read More