Tagged: Quiet time with God

  • The Joy of Sprinting

    We've all done it. We pray diligently and we’re certain we know the next step in God’s plan. So, why wait? Let’s go sprinting down the path as fast as we can. There’s a problem with that: sprinters dash for short distances and then they’re pooped. We zip along and, when we’re exhausted, we look to God for strength. Surprise, surprise, He’s not there! We look behind us and there He is: “You ran off… Read More

  • On the QT: The 5 W’s – Why?

      Why should we carve out time in our busy days to spend with God?   Why should we give up a few minutes of precious sleep?   Why should we give up the few minutes we can grasp in a day for this instead of settling down with a good book?   The first W in this series was "Who?" Check it out here.      Now we ask "Why?"   Oh, there are the… Read More

  • Need to Escape?

    Why? When? Now what? The last post in this series: Where do you go to escape? Not many of us walk outside to be surrounded by stunning scenery. I don’t have a backyard full of beautiful blooms, unless a couple struggling rosebushes and a bunch of thriving weeds counts. But there needs to be some place we go, or something we do to allow our minds to focus on God. A habit, if you will,… Read More