Tagged: Quiet Time

  • On the QT: The 5 W’s – When?

    This is the third post in my series on quiet time. If you missed the first ones, check them out: Who? and Now comes the toughie: When? Checked you watch lately? Days fly by and they’re over before we can say jackrabbit. It’s hard to find any time when it’s quiet – and stay awake! I’ve always heard “Spend time with God first thing in the morning.” “Give God your best – before you start your… Read More

  • On the QT: The 5 W’s – Who?

    Remember, if you comment to this post, you could win a copy of Storms of Life! This is the second post on the 5 W's of Quiet Time. For the first post, go to On the QT: The 5 W's The first W: Who? This should be a given - but is it? It’s where we must start. For a Christian, quiet time is spent with God. In Conversation! Me and Him. You and Him. Time… Read More

  • On the QT: The 5 W’s

       My desire in all I write and teach is to encourage others to bring God's Word off the page into their lives. Apply it. Live it. But how do we do that if we can't set aside time with Him and His word?   Who has time?   How do we have a successful QT?   If you’re a nurse, you know it’s dangerous to use the Q word (quiet).   As soon as… Read More

  • Feed the Fire!

    Ps 119:105 says God’s Word is a light for our paths. I made the mistake of assuming the light was something God provided—I just walked along, taking advantage of it. I missed the “God’s Word” part. God’s Word can’t light my path by osmosis. What happens to a campfire if no one adds a log or some twigs to it? What happens to your gas stove if the gas is shut off? What happens to… Read More