Tagged: Prayer

  • Do We Pray Without Seeing?

    I walked into the reception area. My heart leaped around like a baby goat. Another job interview. I’d lived in the Houston area for year and my new engineering degree had burned a hole in my pocket. I’d prayed, a lot. While I scoured newspapers for jobs, I prayed. When I filled out an application, I prayed. Every time I headed in for an interview…well, you get the picture. Even so, the jobs always went… Read More

  • Ready to Harvest

    Photo credit? JamaL1977a When I drive around these days, I'm surrounded by trucks hauling huge cotton bales to the gin for processing. As two passed me this morning, I thought of Jesus words about the harvest. He [Jesus] told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Luke 10:2 The weather been's strange this fall - a severe… Read More

  • Now What?

    Ok, you know you need time with God to make it through the day. You’ve figured out a time, maybe, when you can grab a few minutes. Now what? Some of us sit quietly and feel God’s presence.  Some of us need a plan. I’m a plan kinda girl. I don’t have the discipline to sit with my eyes closed and focus on God. My mind wanders to laundry or to what’s for dinner or a… Read More