Tagged: new creation

  • God’s Copyright

    For us, as creative types, a copyright is our best friend. We have exclusive, legal rights to our work. Our creations are protected; they can't be borrowed, changed, or stolen. You wouldn't expect copyright to be an issue for a Shuttle experiment but it can be. For one of my projects, the scientist wanted to use questionnaires he'd developed to monitor group dynamics. How does the relationship between team members change over time? Say, for… Read More

  • Nothing New Under the Sun?

     That’s what it says, right there in Ecclesiastes 1:9 "What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; nothing new under the sun." Brings to mind a story... A king challenged his subjects to bring him something brand new, something never seen before. The person who succeeded would be awarded half of the kingdom. Months passed, the king became discouraged. Nothing was truly new. Maybe a new invention but always made… Read More