Tagged: Mercy

  • Those Who Are Merciful

    Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. Matthew 5:7 Blessed (loved and favored by God) are the merciful (not those who only express acts of mercy but those who do so as an expression of  God's character) for they will obtain mercy (receive God's graciousness when He frees them from deserved punishment). I was a little hung up on the word obtain in this scripture. To obtain something generally means you have to… Read More

  • 1 + 1 = Eternal Salvation

    Note: Usually, my posts reflect my passion: to bring God's Word off of the page and into our daily lives. To discover how to live it, to be encouraged by it, and how to make it real and alive. But, every once in a while, I want to share something deeper. A new understanding. This is just such a post:     To explore the depth of God's Mercy and Grace. But because of his… Read More

  • Done Any Grumbling Lately?

    And in the morning you will see the glory of the LORD,  because he has heard your grumbling against him. Exodus 16:7 Moses said these words to the Israelites who were grumbling like crazy - again. God delivered them from slavery in Egypt and they saw Him perform miracle after miracle. But, when it came time to eat one evening, they started complaining again. "We wish you'd just left us back there in Egypt. We were… Read More

  • I Only Did It ONCE!

    The guy who mows our walking park must be on vacation. He hasn't mowed for a couple weeks. If he sees all these weeds, he might say, "Look at that! It's impossible!" Isn't it amazing how fast things get out of sorts? How about that diet? "Well, I blew it last night. surely another day won't hurt." Second day, "Oh, what's the use! I'll feel better after some brownies." Cleaning house? Why dust the coffee… Read More

  • Do You Need God’s Restoring Rain?

            Let my teaching drop as the rain, my speech distill as the dew, as raindrops on the tender herb, as shower on the grass. Deuteronomy 32: 2   For several years, the land in west Texas has been parched. We prayed, even begged for rain.   The past few weeks, God’s blessed us – and the transformation has been remarkable.   Overnight, the bare, dusty fields exploded in green of every… Read More