Tagged: Love

  • All in the Family

    I haven’t been in Memphis in years.  Way too long.  I planned a visit several times but something always came up. Something that seemed more important at the time.  Now, as I sit and look around at Aunt Jo Anne, Uncle John and a room full of cousins, I realize that those things weren't so important after all.  Praise God for the love and joy I feel in this room. For the shared stories and… Read More

  • The 7 Wonders of Psalm 23: Part Eight

    Who said a series of 7 can't have 8 - or even 9 - parts? If you don't believe me, ask Douglas Adams. Look him up - if you haven't read his books, they're hysterical! Most believe that this psalm was written during the years David fled for his life from Saul’s jealous rage. He hid in forests and in dark caves.  Even in this difficult situation, David expressed total faith in his Lord. Surely… Read More

  • Ever Regifted? Don’t Lie to Me!

    Shame on you – I can hear you shaking your head. “I’ve never done that!” you say. And look! You didn't even bother to rewrap it - you just stuck a couple bows on it! Get real - We've all done it.   Someone gives us a perfectly wonderful gift –   EXCEPT We already have two of them. We have no use for one. And the secret reason: it’s ugly! I can honestly say… Read More

  • Flip-Flops

    I’ve got lots of flip-flops. Simple ones. Fancy ones. Lots of colors. Comfy, cool – perfect for running around in the heat of west Texas. In recent years, the idea of flip-flop took on a whole new meaning. We hear it particularly during an election season. “Senator so-and-so changed his mind on XYZ issue! You can’t trust anything he says because you never know when he’ll flip-flop. That’s why you should vote for me!” “The… Read More