Tagged: Joy

  • Excerpts from Storms of Life, Yellow: Joy

    Ever notice that smiley faces are always yellow? Sunny, bright, happy.  JOY We all know Joy goes deeper than happiness. Happiness is based on circumstances. Joy is underlying sense of – what? How do we define joy in a spiritual sense? Abiding sense of happiness? Blend of faith, hope, and love? I love this definition posted by Rick Warren on his blog DAILYHOPE (April 2, 2012): Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control… Read More

  • Does Your Face Shine?

    He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn Ps 37:6 I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “Her face lit up!” with excitement. with the sight of a loved one with good news But we don’t think about our faces shining with righteousness. When we walk through difficult days, those around us see our faces shining with a peace beyond understanding - even though we are unaware. When we struggle with tight finances, others notice the faint glow… Read More

  • Joy Comes in the Morning!

    For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Psalms 30:5 I’ve spent many nights weeping in the last few years. Most were sadness due to the consequences of mistakes I’d made.  This verse has lifted my heart during those times.  My Father’s anger, His discipline, lasts only a moment. I might be sad at His correction, but I'm… Read More