Tagged: Joy

  • Jesus’ Suffering…Our Redemption

    sadwallpaperhd.blogspot.com I'm studying through Matthew during my quiet time and, early last week, I read the chapters on Jesus' arrest, torture, and crucifixion. I sat in despair at the horror these chapters described. I was drawn to Isaiah 53 - words written hundreds of years before Jesus' birth. Jesus knew the agony that faced Him and yet He came. Despised Rejected Esteemed not Stricken by God Afflicted Pierced Crushed Oppressed God's judgement poured out on… Read More

  • Beauty and Blessing

    I spent this  week at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christians Writers Conference, lovingly called BRMCWC for short.  Ridgecrest Conference Center - what an amazing place. In between the classes, there are the reunions with precious writer friends and the excitement of making new ones. And then there is the beauty! And, above all, the amazing presence of God! Peace, joy - this place is a sanctuary for me. Is there a place that brings you… Read More

  • All in the Family

    I haven’t been in Memphis in years.  Way too long.  I planned a visit several times but something always came up. Something that seemed more important at the time.  Now, as I sit and look around at Aunt Jo Anne, Uncle John and a room full of cousins, I realize that those things weren't so important after all.  Praise God for the love and joy I feel in this room. For the shared stories and… Read More

  • Satisfied?

    Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days. Psalm 90:14 I always set goals at the beginning of a year. Or I should say, God and I set goals. As I read Psalm 90 this morning, God brought my eyes to the word satisfy. Satisfy us with your unfailing love. What would my life be like if being satisfied with God's love… Read More

  • Bitterness to Joy

    Although gardening isn’t my thing, I occasionally dig around in the flower beds, pulling weeds. A few days later, I notice that several of them have popped right up again. Frustrating! I’ve learned an important lesson: the weeds aren’t truly gone unless you dig the root out. Any shred of remaining root and it will grow up again. So it is with bitterness. We have to get to the root, the heart, of the matter… Read More