Tagged: Hosanna!

  • Love Him, Love Him Not

    When we moved to west Texas a few years ago, it was a big hassle and expensive. I was amazed that, through it all, God protected our little emergency fund. I praised Him as Provider and Sustainer and all kinds of other wonderful words. Then the air conditioner went out. Boy, did my tune ever change! I was afraid – after all, my little fund was empty. What if something happened? I got mad. How… Read More

  • What’s Your View of Jesus?

    Courtesy Madllen They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, "Hosanna! " "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Blessed is the King of Israel!" John 12:13 In the message on Palm Sunday, my pastor said something I’d not thought of before: The same people who shouted “Hosanna to the King of Israel” were shouting “Crucify him” a few days later. Hmmm…I’m afraid I recognize myself in the crowd. You… Read More