Tagged: Grief

  • Are You Clinging to the Rock?

    I am excited to have a sweet friend, Mary Denman, as my Final Friday Friends guest today. She is a skilled photographer and has a heart for expressing the Lord's truth through her  talents. If you are interested in photo tips, even for cell phones, check out her blog.   Mary is a wife, mom of five, writer, photographer, and all around busy lady. She combines her love of teaching, writing and photography on her blog –… Read More

  • Joy Comes in the Morning!

    For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Psalms 30:5 I’ve spent many nights weeping in the last few years. Most were sadness due to the consequences of mistakes I’d made.  This verse has lifted my heart during those times.  My Father’s anger, His discipline, lasts only a moment. I might be sad at His correction, but I'm… Read More