Tagged: Grace

  • Blessings in the Cereal Aisle

    You wouldn't expect to be in awe of the cereal aisle, would you? I guess that depends on your perspective. My first few years at NASA, I occasionally worked with Russian cosmonauts who came to train in Houston. Many of them brought their spouses with them.   I'll never forget the day I went to a grocery store with one of the cosmonaut's wives. She was wide-eyed as we walked around the store.   Accustomed to an… Read More

  • Jesus’ Suffering…Our Redemption

    sadwallpaperhd.blogspot.com I'm studying through Matthew during my quiet time and, early last week, I read the chapters on Jesus' arrest, torture, and crucifixion. I sat in despair at the horror these chapters described. I was drawn to Isaiah 53 - words written hundreds of years before Jesus' birth. Jesus knew the agony that faced Him and yet He came. Despised Rejected Esteemed not Stricken by God Afflicted Pierced Crushed Oppressed God's judgement poured out on… Read More

  • 1 + 1 = Eternal Salvation

    Note: Usually, my posts reflect my passion: to bring God's Word off of the page and into our daily lives. To discover how to live it, to be encouraged by it, and how to make it real and alive. But, every once in a while, I want to share something deeper. A new understanding. This is just such a post:     To explore the depth of God's Mercy and Grace. But because of his… Read More

  • 4 Stories of Grace

    Grace, Grace God's Grace Grace that will pardon and cleanse within Grace, Grace God's Grace Grace that is greater than all my sin Julia H. Johnston, 1910, Public Domain Grace. Almost indescribable.  God's grace began with eternal life, given to us with Jesus' resurrection, and He showers grace on us each day through the Holy Spirit who lives within us. In recent years, I experienced God's grace, even though I was filled with anger and… Read More

  • Desperate Prayers

    Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:3 We’ve all been there. Crying out in desperation to the Lord.  A crisis that almost destroyed my family and, even now, the pain hits me, without warning, like the proverbial ton of bricks. My sister, who’s caught in a horrible job that threatens to cripple her. My closest friend Joanna… Read More