Tagged: God’s presence

  • Psalm 23:5 Sit at God’s Table

    You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.  You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Psalm 23:5 This is my favorite verse in Psalm 23. Why? Because it reveals God's grace and loving care, and it doesn't depend on me or on my choices. God is faithful and true to His character, whether we are faithful or not. Even in our disobedience, God is with us and cares for… Read More

  • Beauty and Blessing

    I spent this  week at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christians Writers Conference, lovingly called BRMCWC for short.  Ridgecrest Conference Center - what an amazing place. In between the classes, there are the reunions with precious writer friends and the excitement of making new ones. And then there is the beauty! And, above all, the amazing presence of God! Peace, joy - this place is a sanctuary for me. Is there a place that brings you… Read More

  • On the QT: The 5 W’s – Why?

      Why should we carve out time in our busy days to spend with God?   Why should we give up a few minutes of precious sleep?   Why should we give up the few minutes we can grasp in a day for this instead of settling down with a good book?   The first W in this series was "Who?" Check it out here.      Now we ask "Why?"   Oh, there are the… Read More