Tagged: God’s peace

  • Zephaniah 3:17 What’s your favorite lullaby?

    He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17 Remember what you used to do when a baby wouldn't sleep?   Soothe the cutie who screamed in the nursery.   Quiet your precious little angel who howled half the night.   Reassure the toddler who cried because there was a monster in   the closet. Remember rocking chairs and lullabies? But… Read More

  • On the QT: The 5 W’s – Why?

      Why should we carve out time in our busy days to spend with God?   Why should we give up a few minutes of precious sleep?   Why should we give up the few minutes we can grasp in a day for this instead of settling down with a good book?   The first W in this series was "Who?" Check it out here.      Now we ask "Why?"   Oh, there are the… Read More

  • The 7 Wonders of Psalm 23: Part Three

    This is the third post in my series on the 7 wonders of Psalm 23. I pray this Psalm has blessed you as much as it has me. To see the first post click here He makes me lie down in green pastures,  he leads me beside quiet waters Psalm 23:2 Green pastures…quiet waters. A picture of a peaceful time with God. Peaceful time?? How do we ever find a peaceful time in our hectic days?… Read More

  • 6 Verses to Sleep By!

    http://depositphotos.com/ I’ve been battling insomnia the past couple weeks. Lie awake until 2 a.m. or so, get up for a while, go back to bed and sleep 2-3 hours. Bummer. I finally rummaged around and found the list of Scripture verses I use in times like this. They reassure me and help me relax. I thought that someone out there might need these too. Most of them are in Psalms but there are a few… Read More