Tagged: Faith

  • Science and Faith

    Science and Faith: One enriches the other. The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy. Psalm 65:8 I'm a scientist. We're fascinated by The design of a single cell The stability of constellations for thousands of years The precise chemical structure of proteins, granite, and DNA I know the Creator of the human body; I’m intrigued by His design. I know the… Read More

  • 5 Keys of F.A.I.T.H

    I took this amazing picture the Saturday before Thanksgiving at the Midland, TX, airport. Roses blooming in the ice. They're determined, aren't they?           The world around them is frozen. Hostile.           Still, they bloom. We all experience winter. We walk in a hostile world. How can we bloom when our lives feel frozen? Find protection in your F...A...I...T...H Fellowship: Friends insulate you from the cold. Hugs block the wind.  Words of encouragement soothe you like a… Read More

  • What Time Is It?

    Beautiful roses. Older blooms with a rich color, new blooms with vibrant hues, and buds with tips of pink showing, ready to be the roses of tomorrow. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.   Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 Three simple words. Yesterday. Today. Forever. These words give my feet something solid to stand on when days are difficult or uncertain. When I look back at my walk with God,… Read More

  • The 7 Wonders of Psalm 23: Part Eight

    Who said a series of 7 can't have 8 - or even 9 - parts? If you don't believe me, ask Douglas Adams. Look him up - if you haven't read his books, they're hysterical! Most believe that this psalm was written during the years David fled for his life from Saul’s jealous rage. He hid in forests and in dark caves.  Even in this difficult situation, David expressed total faith in his Lord. Surely… Read More

  • Bring Fear into the Light

    The LORD is my light and my salvation-- whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life-- of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1 My Mom was the family worrier. She worried about everything. Her life was filled with “What if?” and the answers always seemed to be bad.     I know it’s a cliché but she really did worry when things were going well – certainly something bad was… Read More