Tagged: Discipline

  • How Does God Define Discipline?

    The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend. Exodus 33:11His [Moses] face was radiant because he had spoken with the LORD. Exodus 34:29 Some of you know that my focus for this year is the word Discipline.These two verses caught my attention as the key to and result of being disciplined. When I think of discipline, I think of commitment: committed to God's call to write, committed… Read More

  • Is It Broke Yet?

    Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? Where do you fit? You totally dismiss the idea. You make one but, based on past behavior, know you won’t keep it.  You make one with excitement and you're disappointed when you fail. You make a one and keep it.- Congratulations! I waver between the second and third one, but I cling to the hope that each year will be better. There are the old stand-bys: 1. I’m… Read More