Tagged: Answered prayer

  • Do We Pray Without Seeing?

    I walked into the reception area. My heart leaped around like a baby goat. Another job interview. I’d lived in the Houston area for year and my new engineering degree had burned a hole in my pocket. I’d prayed, a lot. While I scoured newspapers for jobs, I prayed. When I filled out an application, I prayed. Every time I headed in for an interview…well, you get the picture. Even so, the jobs always went… Read More

  • Do We Forget to Say Thank You?

    I am so excited to have Cynthia Lovely as my guest blogger for July's Final Friday.       There are times we send forth prayers from the deepest parts of our hearts, petitioning the great God of the universe to intercede on our behalf. We pray each day, focused and with great fervor, reminding the Lord of our need.  And God answers. The problem is solved. The solution makes sense. The worry is gone.… Read More