Put God Inbetween

Put God between you and your foe. Streams in the Desert, January 5

A couple years ago, a friend and I went to one of my favorite places, the zoo. We were oohing and ahhing over a baby elephant when someone’s cell phone rang. What happened next was beautiful. Three elephants ran over and surrounded the startled baby. This memory came to mind when I read my devotion yesterday morning.

The adult elephants put themselves between the baby and the danger.

When something frightening enters our world, how does God respond?

When troubles loom, will He surround me and protect me? Will He stand guard between me and the problem to prevent it from harming me? All my life experience tells me that, although He might intervene, the vast majority of the time He allows the situation to occur.

Then what does this sentence mean: Put God between you and your foe?

The key is in this question: who or what is our foe?

  • Is my empty bank account my foe?
  • What about your sick child – is the illness your foe?
  • A broken down car?
  • A struggling marriage?

Are these situations our foes? Are our circumstances our enemies? The answer is found in Philippians 4:7

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

The peace of God…will guard our hearts and minds.

In any situation, our enemies are the things that attack our hearts and minds.

  • Fear
  • Hopelessness
  • Despair
  • Anger
  • Bitterness
  • Helplessness

We can call on God to stand between us and the foes that assault us. His peace, promises, and power surround our hearts and protect us from the enemies that try to weaken our faith and trust.

Our Father promises that, when we call on Him, He will come.

He won’t hear and just stand by.

He won’t ignore us.

He will COME.

My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:2

Are you facing enemies in your heart and mind? Call upon the Lord!

When have you called the Lord to bring His peace to surround your heart?

Photo credit: Kenn W Kiser via morguefile.com

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    The Conversation

  1. Mary Scro says:

    Amen to this, Sherry! I know I fight the wrong foes, and it wears me out. I'll be pondering this for a bit. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Jo says:

    Today I felt dispair. My situation is hard. My husband is ill. But as I sat in the chemo clinic, I knew He was there. I didn't start smiling, my sadness didn't go away, but I wasn't alone.