What’s Your Favorite Lullaby?

He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17

Remember what you used to do when a baby wouldn’t sleep?

  Soothe the cutie who screamed in the nursery.

  Quiet your precious little angel who howled half the night.

  Reassure the toddler who cried because there was a monster in  the closet.

Remember rocking chairs and lullabies?

But no one’s there to rock us or sing to us when we’re all grown up.

We lie there, eyes wide open.

  • Worried about something we did or experienced that day.
  • Anxious about what might happen tomorrow.
  • Afraid because we can’t see any way out of the pit we’re in.
  • Excited about something fantastic that’s happening or will happen.

I’ve tried closing my eyes and doing some calm-me-down routine.

I’ve quoted verses in my mind.

I’ve counted my husband’s snores.

Nothing worked – until I found Zephaniah 3:17

Now, I close my eyes and imagine my Father delighting in my day, bathing me in His love, and singing to me.

What does He sing? I can’t understand the words but I relax as I envision the tenderness on His face.

Before I know it, I’m asleep!

The worries, anxiety, fear, and even the jazzed-up feelings fade away.

And I sleep.

Do you lie awake?

Find quiet in His love and peace in His singing.

When you can’t go to sleep, how do you quiet your mind?

Peaceful sunset unsplash.com
Frightened child  corepics via depositphotos.com
Frustrated woman ruigsantoo  via depositphotos.com

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    The Conversation

  1. Great post. I sing Silent night to my son every night. If I cannot sleep I sing Holy Holy Holy Thank you for this great encouragement.

  2. Carol Akin says:

    Tonight we'll sing the lullaby. I could use some peaceful sleep.

  3. Ann Ellison says:

    Dwell on the verse that has always helped me and that I called on when my daughters were little – " I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety." Psalms 4:8 –

  4. Wonderful, comforting verse from God's word and I just love the image of Him singing over me. Thank you for this reminder!

  5. Ariëlla says:

    That's nice Sherry. Love this post and the Bibleverse you are sharing with us.

    So I share today a Dutch Christian lullaby: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2szRHFGXUI&list=RDr2szRHFGXUI#t=11

  6. I appreciate the idea of thinking about that verse when I cannot sleep. Thank you, Sherry.

  7. I listen to soothing music with the sound of the ocean. It relaxes me. I love the Zephaniah verse as well.

  8. I have a friend who listens to music with thunder. That wouldn't relax me at all and it would scare the bejebbies out of my poor dog. Thanks for dropping by, Ginger!