The Grace to Bloom

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all
that you need,
 you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8 

When Ruby and I were walking in the park the other day, I spotted this determined little flower blooming in the middle of a patch of dirt and rocks.

Now that’s determination, focus, and faith!

Three things I sometimes lack.

I know the little flower doesn’t think things through but, if it were me, my conversation with God would go something like this:

Me: Hmm…I don’t see any other roots around me so that means it must be kind of harsh above ground. I’m sure I don’t have what it takes to grow and bloom up there
God: I am able to give you grace, pouring over and spilling out. My strength will enable you to poke your head up above the dirt and grow in the sun.  

Me: Oh, I know that. You tell me that all the time. But…It’s hot and dry up there and the wind is blowing like crazy.
God: I’ll make sure you have all you need to grow tall and green. I’ll give you deep roots and healthy leaves.  Don’t look around you, look at Me.

Me: You say that but it’s not easy. It’s a strange world out there. I know I can grow but can I bloom? I want people who walk by to see the beauty You’ve created and to smile.
God:  I promise you will shine with My love. I have work already planned for you and I will guide you to bloom beautifully.  

Me: Well, here goes! Gee, it’s beautiful! The sun is so warm and I love the sound of my leaves rustling in the wind. There’s a bud opening up. Look, that lady and her dog have stopped to look at me and she’s smiling. She’s even taking a picture!
God: Isn’t it wonderful? This is just what I created you to do. No other flower can bloom quite like you.   

It always me a while to step out onto the path God has for me. When I do, I find so many blessings and I feel such joy when I’m able to reflect Jesus to others around me.



He has truly given me all I need to bloom for Him!

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    The Conversation

  1. Mary Scro says:

    LOVE this, Sherry – the conversation is so relatable, and really drives home the point. And, no other writer can write like you. Thank you for sharing!