
The past several days, God’s been asking me: “Are you serious about your prayer to be on fire for Me? Are you ready to meet Me?”

Zacharias was chosen. How did he feel as he entered the Holy Place alone, to light the incense on the altar, to fall on his face to mingle his prayers with the smoke that rose to God’s throne?

Humbled, burdened with the sins of his people, overwhelmed—I’m sure he felt all those emotions.

Then God showed up! The angel Gabriel came from his position before the throne to bring a message to Zacharias: “Are you ready for your prayer to be answered? Are you ready to be John’s father?”

Zacharias had second thoughts, “Now that you mention it, maybe I’m not ready after all.”

I have second thoughts, “Now that you mention it, maybe I’m not ready after all.”

I pray for the fire of God to fall on me – Do I mean it? Yet, it has already fallen and lives within me! How should I respond?

Do you long to be on fire for God?
How are you responding to the fire within you?


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    The Conversation

  1. Caroline says:

    Great post. If we were all on fire for God, I believe we'd see a revival in America. One person at a time. I want to do my part. Revive me, O God.

    • Sherry says:

      I'm traveling in the back country where there is no internet. 🙁 Found a McD so I've signed in while I have chance.
      You are so right, revival will only come when info individual Christians stand up. Were doing a pretty poor job of that.

  2. Great thoughts. I had to read "to mingle his prayers with the smoke that rose to God’s throne?" over and over to let it absorb! Wow.

    • Sherry says:

      I spent yesterday driving where there's no internet. Finally back in civilization.
      I'm so glad God used those words to bless you. What an awesome God we serve!