Science and Faith

Science and Faith: One enriches the other.

The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy. Psalm 65:8

I’m a scientist. We’re fascinated by

  • The design of a single cell
  • The stability of constellations for thousands of years
  • The precise chemical structure of proteins, granite, and
I know the Creator of the human body; I’m intrigued by His
I know the Architect of the heavens; I’m captivated by the
forces that keep it in place.
I know the Builder who formed the mountains and restrained
the seas; I’m enthralled by their structure and power.
We can never fully understand the intricacy of the Master Scientist’s creation.
I’m an engineer. We’re challenged by application.
  • A machine that measures the pollution in the air.
  • An ultrasound that uses the speed of sound waves to “see” tissue.
  • EEG leads that record the heartbeat of a crewmember while in orbit.
I know the Electrician who created the nervous system to carry electrical signals.
I know the Physicist who formed eyes that detect differing speeds of light to see color.
I know the Chemist who shaped red blood cells to bind oxygen and carry it throughout the body.
Anything man invents pales in comparison to the designs of the Master Engineer. 
So I laugh when I’m challenged:
“Why do you believe in God? No one’s seen Him or proved His existence.”
“It’s impossible to be a scientist and a
Bible-believing Christian.”
I use a highly technical word to describe these
statements: Baloney! Perhaps you like poppycock better.
Of course scientists can’t prove the existence of God; He can’t be quantified.
Obviously engineers can’t design anything more elegant than the innovations of the Creator.
The Lord is Wisdom and Truth. 
My work is built on this sure Foundation.
  • Without Truth, knowledge is unattainable. 
  • Without Wisdom, scientific methods fail.  
  • Without the Lord’s guidance, design is chaos.
Science deepens my faith and engineering increases my sense of wonder at the skill of the Lord. It’s His grace that allows us to explore the world and to understand its mysteries.
The next time you look up at the stars or marvel at the function of the human body, Praise God that He reveals His creation to you.
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