Reflect the Son!

God made two great lights–the greater light to govern the day

and the lesser light to govern the night. Genesis 1:16

We know the moon only reflects the sun’s light. It seems to shine brightly, but that’s an illusion.

What does the moon really look like? The image through a telescope during a new moon, when the sun’s rays are blocked, is not a pretty picture.

It’s rough and pitted. Cold and harsh.

Isn’t it amazing that God chose to use the sun’s rays to cloak an ugly moon in beauty?

The wonder of this miracle becomes even more amazing if we catch a glimpse of our true selves when we’re not cloaked in God’s light – the light of Jesus.

We’re soaked in sin, through and through. We’re surrounded by darkness. Isaiah 64:6  says we’re uglier than filthy rags. We’re smellier than our pet’s poop. That may make us smile, but God is repulsed.

Yet, even though God sees our ugliness, His great love refuses to leave us there. He chooses to cloak us in the beautiful righteousness of Jesus, His Son.

Through Jesus’ death on the cross, our sins are forgiven.

“Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” Isaiah 1:18

We are cleansed, made pure in His sight.

Jesus took on our sin and covered us in His righteousness!

What an astounding transformation! From repulsed to loved. From ugly to beautiful.

God chooses to fill us with the light of His Holy Spirit and to cloak us in the brilliance of His Son. Our filthy rags are cleansed and we shine with the beauty of God’s grace.

Let your mind fill with the wonder of it. Let your heart swell with the joy of it. How can we not shout and sing God’s praise! Praise Him for the miracle that He chose you to bathe in His glory.

You are chosen. God’s beautiful light awaits you. If you’re still standing in darkness, reach out to Him and ask for the Light of His Son.

Photo, sun and moon: Shiva Velchuri

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    The Conversation

  1. Caroline says:

    Sometimes I read your posts, and I think: why didn't I think of that? 🙂 But it takes all kinds of writers, and you are blest (and everyone who reads your posts) by your ability to give us object lessons and words of wisdom. May God continue to keep your writing flowing!

  2. Beautifully said, Sherry. Amazing grace— oh, how sweet the sound— indeed.

  3. Lyneta says:

    Beautifully written, Sherry! I love the moon illustration. What a well-needed reminder to celebrate and be grateful for the miracle of our cleansing and the ability to reflect Christ.

  4. God's grace is a miracle! Thanks for stopping by, Lyneta.