Ready to Harvest

Photo credit? JamaL1977a

When I drive around these days, I’m surrounded by trucks hauling huge cotton bales to the gin for processing. As two passed me this morning, I thought of Jesus words about the harvest.

He [Jesus] told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Luke 10:2

The weather been’s strange this fall – a severe cold snap and lots of rain have delayed the cotton harvest. Now, trust me, we NEVER turn down rain out here but it did throw the schedule off.
But, the farmers hung in there. They prayed and trusted God. When the time was right, they worked together to harvest everyone’s field. 
What can we learn about the Lord’s harvest from the farmers all over the country?
  • Sometimes, our desire to harvest is railroaded. We don’t look for excuses, really, but we do take any opportunity to put it off. Most of us don’t like to go out into the field and talk about Jesus. When obstacles come, we need to spend the time drawing closer to God and praying for the right words to come at the right time.
  • Like the farmers, we can hang in there. There have been many times I felt like I should speak to someone about Jesus but I kept my mouth shut. Other times I was convinced I should talk but God never gave me the opportunity. But I keep on keeping on. I know I’ll get it right because God gives me new chances everyday.
  • Prayer and trust – how crucial! God doesn’t necessarily call all of us to boldly witness, but we are all called to pray. Pray for the lost and pray for those who go out and talk about Him, God doesn’t want anyone to perish so trust Him to reach out to each person and to call them by his love (2 Peter 3:9).
  • I love the way the farmers work together. The crews move from field to field, helping each other bring in the crop. If you look out on the massive harvest and feel overwhelmed, remember: God walks with you and many Christians around the world are working with you and praying for you
So go out and join the workers in the fields because they are white and ready to harvest. 
This is a wonderful time of the year to talk about God’s Son. 
How has God used you to reach out to a nonbeliever or to pray faithfully for one who is out in the fields?

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