Papa Bear’s Chair

“No servant can serve two masters.” Luke 16:13
“They tell how you turned to God from idols to 
serve the living and true God.” 1 Thessalonians 1:9 

A friend of mine has a beautiful pond surrounded by lush trees, a little playground for their kids – and now their grandkids, and, my favorite, the 3-bear’s chairs. 

I had to get a picture! Which one did I pick? Papa Bear’s chair, of course! No one chooses a small chair when they have the best and the biggest.

It looks like I’m seated on a giant throne, doesn’t it? All I’m missing is my crown.

My throne. My crown.

Should one called to serve God claim the throne for his own? 

Serve. None of us like that word. We are masters of our own fate. We are captains of our ships. We command our destinies.

I think we miss the meaning of the word serve in these verses. Webster’s Dictionary has many meanings. I was surprised how many had to do with waiting on a customer. But, buried deep in the list was the one I think we are looking for:

To give the service and respect due. (to serve God) 

Why do we serve God? How can we not?  

We were slaves to sin and Jesus died to release us from slavery to freedom as God’s child. We are filled with a desire to grow closer to Him and to walk with Him in love and obedience.

We serve Him because we love Him.

Master, Idols. Whether we admit it or not, we all have masters. We aren’t truly free. We are controlled by what we value. Our actions reveal what we find most important.

I’ve had lots of masters: money, success, possessions, Facebook, TV…the list goes on and on. As I sat in Papa Bear’s chair, laughing, I thought about that often-asked question:

Who is on the throne of your heart?

All the earthly masters I have served have been harsh and demanding. I’m driven to chase them until I am exhausted, never satisfied.

And then I turn from my idols to God. 

  • My Father
  • My Savior
  • My Confidant 
  • My Guide 
  • The Lover of my soul

My heart floods with such love, peace, and gratitude that it is pure joy to follow Him, to serve Him, to obey Him! 

Occasionally, I’m tempted by the Enemy to pursue one of the world’s idols but it’s not long before the sweetness of God’s grace draws me back to Him. 

Lift your hands in praise to your Father! He has set you free from the cruel masters of this world. He has called you His child. 

Serve Him with joyful abandon!

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    The Conversation

  1. Caroline says:

    Well said, Sherry! As always such a great post, and this time, a cute one to boot–that has a lot of meaning.

  2. Beautiful post Sherry. Surrendering our wills and lives over to the care of God is a daily action. God knows our every move and as you have found His grace pulls us back to Him because His love is so comforting. Thanks for sharing your faith.

  3. Ariëlla says:

    Yes! Amen! He has set us free from the cruel masters of this world. So thankful you are writing this. May God blessyou and your nice blog!