Excerpt from Storms of Life, Indigo: Contentment
Sandwiched between the calm of blue and the sovereignty of violet, sits the rich color, indigo. Trusting God's provision in the face of suffering: contentment. Storms of Life Chapter 7, Day 3 "Being content in God’s will or in the situations He allows to occur means you have to let go of what you want, and submit to what He wants for you. It may not make sense; it may be painful. You must trust His love… Read More
Excerpt from Storms of Life, Blue: Calm
Storms of Life Chapter 3, Day 5 “As the storm intensified, the disciples shook Jesus and cried out, 'Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?' Don’t You care? . . . How often I’ve said that to Him. 'Don’t You care if I drown in assignments at work?' 'Don’t You care if I’m overwhelmed by the continual demands of my toddler?' 'Don’t You care if my finances are a wreck?' Why do I use the turmoil… Read More
Excerpt from Storms of Life, Green: Growth
When I think of green, I think of my lawn – of what it could be if I nurtured it. We put in a sprinkler system so it gets watered. But food? There’s no auto-feed system out there for grass. I know I’m supposed to feed it in the fall, to give it nourishment to carry it through the winter. I know I’m supposed to feed it in the spring, to give it energy to… Read More
Excerpts from Storms of Life, Yellow: Joy
Ever notice that smiley faces are always yellow? Sunny, bright, happy. JOY We all know Joy goes deeper than happiness. Happiness is based on circumstances. Joy is underlying sense of – what? How do we define joy in a spiritual sense? Abiding sense of happiness? Blend of faith, hope, and love? I love this definition posted by Rick Warren on his blog DAILYHOPE (April 2, 2012): Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control… Read More
Excerpt from Storms of Life, Orange: Chosen
When I first thought about orange, I thought of peace. Orange is the color of a stunning sunset. With the setting of the sun, peace settles on my spirit and I feel the anxiety of the day fade away. But then I was reminded that my daughter's favorite color is orange – there’s not even a close second. When she was just a few months old, I'd hold her before the open dresser drawer full… Read More