One of My Favs

Each day, I spend a few minutes (well, maybe more than a few) reading several blogs that encourage and challenge me. I’ve chosen two of my favorites to present with the Premio Dardos Award, an award that “acknowledges the values that every Blogger displays in their efforts to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values with each message they write.”
 (Yes, I need reading glasses – and I have a bad habit of  perching them on my nose!)

First, my friend, Carole Brown’s blog Sunnybank Meanderings.
Sunnybank Secrets . . . where not all is as it seems.

Carole is so encouraging. Sometimes her blog simply lists several things she’s grateful for or that bring her joy and peace. As I read through her list, it always brings to mind things that mean so much to me.

Carole is so generous. Often she gives other authors the opportunity to guest post on her blog or she recommends another author’s work.

 She’s excited, and so am I, about the release of her book, The Redemption of Caralynne Hayman.

I encourage you to visit her blog – you’ll be blessed!

My second fav? Hang in there…I’ll feature it next Monday!

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  1. Caroline says:

    Ah, what can I say? Thanks so much, and for the shout out for my book too. Friends! 🙂