On the QT: The 5 W’s – When?

This is the third post in my series on quiet time.
If you missed the first ones, check them out: Who? and

Now comes the toughie:

Checked you watch lately?
Days fly by and they’re over before we can say jackrabbit.

It’s hard to find any time when it’s quiet – and stay awake!

I’ve always heard
  • “Spend time with God first thing in the morning.”

  • “Give God your best – before you start your day.”
  • “The day goes better when you start with God.”

I heard it so much I thought it was the 11th

Thou shalt have quiet time in the morning.

But what if that doesn’t work?

The truth is this: God doesn’t punch a time clock.

He loves us and wants time with us – whenever is best for us.

If you work fulltime, early morning might work for you. It
might not.

Some of us settle in with Him in the evening after things
calm down. I fall asleep.

When your kids are down for a nap?

In the car? (Remember to pray with your eyes open!)

Maybe you grab spare minutes, catch-as-catch-can.

That’s ok – We have a 24/7 Father.

He welcomes you anytime, anywhere!

Do you have a set time every day? Fantastic!

Do you try to focus on Him for five minutes every day,
whenever you can? Great!

If you desire to be with Him, He’ll work out the schedule.

Give Him what you have, when you have it, and He’ll bless


It’s hard to find time for God. How do you fit it in?
Do you have a schedule that works for you?
Share it and it might help the rest of us.


Share a comment and you might win a copy of Storms of Life!


 Photo Credit: pinphoto via Depositphotos 

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    The Conversation

  1. Anonymous says:

    I pray while driving (eyes open!) While cooking (for family). Of course I pray when stressed – the shortest prayer I know: HELP!

  2. Help! is one of my favorites, too. That and "Lord, help me keep my mouth shut!" Thanks for sharing your thoughts!