Nothing New Under the Sun?

 That’s what it says, right there in Ecclesiastes 1:9 “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; nothing new under the sun.”

Brings to mind a story…

A king challenged his subjects to bring him something brand new, something never seen before. The person who succeeded would be awarded half of the kingdom.

Months passed, the king became discouraged. Nothing was truly new. Maybe a new invention but always made out of things that did exist, wood or rocks or animal hide.

One evening, a young man came in and laid a pillow in front of the king. On the pillow sat a small brown egg.
The king grew angry and shouted for the guards to arrest the boy for his impudence.

Please, be patient for just a moment, Your Excellency,” the boy said.
As the guards approached him, the egg began to crack. A new chick pecked his way out of the egg.

The King sat silently for a moment, then stood and embraced the boy. “At last, something new, fresh, something never seen before. Come and receive your reward.”

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17

As God’s child, you are new, fresh, one of a kind. Your Father has filled you with matchless gifts; No one can replace you. There has never been and never will be another you.

God’s love for you is unique, He cherishes the beauty of the one He’s created.

Come and receive your reward!

How do you feel, knowing you are a unique, precious child of God?

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    The Conversation

  1. Caroline says:

    That is such a precious post! I've always loved this "child's" story, and how aptly it applies to us today. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. I've been running full speed since 8 am!
    I love this story, too. So many good morals to those "children's" stories.
    Thanks for checking in!