Katy’s favorite: Psalm 107:9

Today’s guest post is by my friend, Katy Kauffman, sharing her favorite verse in Scripture. 

“For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness.” (Psalm 107:9, NKJV)

If there’s one verse in the Bible that I would want to share with other people—besides John 3:16—it’s Psalm 107:9. It describes what God does for those who believe in Him. He satisfies our souls. We need love, we need joy, we need peace. We need strength for life’s tasks and burdens. We need to belong to someone. We need relationships. Our relationship with God is the one that will give the most contentment, the most satisfaction, because we were made for Him. Our hearts were created with a God-shaped hole. When we believe in Jesus and start a relationship with Him, we will come to know true satisfaction and fulfillment. We will know the One that we were created to know and love (John 17:3; Mark 12:30).

If your soul is looking for a peace and a joy that will last, seek after God. He will be found (Jeremiah 29:13, James 4:8). He has been seeking after you all along (Jer. 31:3). I know by experience that Psalm 107:9 works. I can’t imagine my life without God, and I wouldn’t want to. He has been a heavenly Father to me, a Best Friend, a Shepherd and Guide, and the Captain of my soul. He gives good things—the best things. The best thing I could long for is to know Him and spend every day with Him. Knowing Him is an adventure, and sharing Him with other people is the best mission in life. May God be your soul’s satisfaction, and may you find rest in His great goodness.

Katy Kauffman            © Copyright 2014 by Katy Kauffman

What a beautiful verse, Katy. When we’re longing and hungry, God is there to satisfy and fill us with goodness.
Psalm 107 describes the emotions of those who are crying out for deliverance. We’ve all felt lost, defeated, and longing for peace. In this verse, longing means to run about, to rush, to run to and fro. Does that ever sound like me! When I feel desperate, I run around, rushing from this idea to the next, trying to find what I crave: peace.
This verse reminds us that God is with us and He alone is able to satisfy our needs. When we hunger for strength, joy, comfort, and peace, we can turn to Him and He will fill us with His love and goodness. 
When has God met your needs and filled you with His goodness?
Meet Katy
Katy Kauffman is the author of 2 Timothy: Winning the Victory, a Bible study on how to win the spiritual battles of life and ministry. She is a co-founder of Lighthouse Bible Studies and a graduate of Luther Rice Seminary. Her heart’s desire is for people to know and love God, understand the richness of His Word, and fulfill His plan for their lives. She makes her home in a cozy suburb of Atlanta, Georgia. 

Contact Katy at
Blog: http://lighthousebiblestudies.com/katy-kauffman-blog
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KatyKauffmanAuthor
Twitter :https://twitter.com/KatyKauffman28

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    The Conversation

  1. Thank you for sharing my thoughts on my favorite verse, and I relate to what you said about feeling desperate and rushing from one thing to the next. We do that! But in God we find the peace that satisfies. I'm so grateful He satisfies our hearts. Our search is complete when we know Him, yet we never stop growing in the knowledge of God and in our love for Him. Thank you, Sherry!

    • You did such a beautiful job of stressing that God meets all our needs. Nothing else we grasp for in this world will satisfy us – only God! Thank you so much for sharing your message of hope.