Joy Comes in the Morning!

For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Psalms 30:5

I’ve spent many nights weeping in the last few years. Most were sadness due to the consequences of mistakes I’d made. 

This verse has lifted my heart during those times. 

My Father’s anger, His discipline, lasts only a moment. I might be sad at His correction, but I’m assured of His favor, from now into eternity. I don’t have to re-earn His love and salvation. I’m sealed and will never be set aside.

I might weep for a night but joy comes in the morning! 

The night often refers to a season of weeping – not a literal night. But joy will come. The season of grief will end and joy will come. 

Grief over loss will fade away and the joy of new beginnings will come.

Grief over sins will be cleansed and newness will come.

The grief of anger or bitterness will be healed, if we turn to God, and restoration will come.

Praise God, He never leaves or forsakes us. He never turns His back on us. His joy will come in the dawn of tomorrow.

When has God transformed your night of grief into the joy of morning?

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  1. Caroline says:

    Sherry, what a sad, but uplifting post. I know the heartache of sadness and loss for so many things. Thank God he gets us thru it all! Thank you for sharing.

    • I've been fighting sadness for a while now. Satan's tool! This verse has been rolling around in my head for a couple weeks and I felt like it was time to share it. thanks for your comment.