Pray in Expection

In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation. Psalms 5:3

I never cease to be amazed that my Father hears me!

He’s the infinite, sovereign Lord and yet He lives within us and hears each of our voices. He hears the praises and needs of every believer the world over, and personally responds to each one. What a miracle of His love!

Praise Him! We can confidently approach His throne and He responds with tenderness, drawing near to meet each need. 

We can approach Him with expectation. When we leave His presence, we know He’ll answer. We know He’ll be with us every step of the day. We know He’s given us what we need for that day. So many times, I’ve encountered a situation and realized that the Word I read that morning is exactly what I need to guide my response. 

Allow your heart to soar in the knowledge that our Father draws near to you, hears you, and gives you what you need for the day, week, or month to come.

Live in expectation!

When has the Lord given you something during your time with Him that met your needs later that day?

Do you pray with confidence and expectation?

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