Excerpt from Storms of Life, Orange: Chosen

When I first thought about orange, I thought of peace. Orange is the color of a stunning sunset. With the setting of the sun, peace settles on my spirit and I feel the anxiety of the day fade away.

But then I was reminded that my daughter’s favorite color is orange – there’s not even a close second. When she was just a few months old, I’d hold her before the open dresser drawer full of her clothes. Even at that young age, she’d reach out and grab anything orange. Orange shirt? Orange socks? Orange diaper covers? Whatever it was, she chose it. It was her favorite, after all.

God whispered to my heart: “I chose you – you are My favorite.”
Can you hear Him speak to you, “I chose you – you are My favorite.” 

 Storms of Life Chapter 4, Day 2:
“As we watch the gathering clouds, what hope can we grasp tightly in our hearts?  Certainly we have confidence in an eternity when all suffering will have ended, but we desperately need hope today to carry us through rough days ahead. Our path might lead us into the storm but our feet can stand firm on the many precious promises that soothe our emotions as the storm clouds approach. He promises His enduring presence with us, and that He goes before us. God promises His strength when we face uncertain times, and He’s our fortress in difficult times. Even though we stumble through dark days, He’s in control of all things, and every event in our lives fulfills His divine purpose. We’re comforted by these promises because His Word is everlasting and true.”

As His favorites, He generously showers His favor on us—even during difficult days.

His presence – He surrounds us and infuses us, no matter our circumstances.

His strength – He upholds us and sustains us when we can’t stand on our own.

His protection – He’s our fortress, our shield, the One who fights for us.

His sovereignty – He’s in complete control. He’s never surprised. He’s walked every path before us, to guide us into His perfect will. 

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will–to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. Ephesians 1:3-6

He chose each one of us to be His children. He gives us His perfect favor through the blessings we have in Christ.

Close your eyes. Bask in the joy and comfort of knowing the Almighty Lord of the Universe reached down from His throne to choose you to be His child.

Yes, when you open your eyes, the problems will still be there but you don’t face them  alone.

Your Father is with you!

How has God’s favor shone on you as you’ve endured a storm?

If this post blesses you, please share.

Next post: YellowJoy

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    The Conversation

  1. Caroline says:

    Lovely, lovely, lovely excerpts about the colors. Really liked this one too. 🙂 Thanks, Sherry!

    • Sorry it's taken me so long to answer. I'm playing with grandkids…such fun!
      When I was studying through these scriptures and thinking about all the colors, God blessed me. I'm so glad they're blessing you, too.

  2. Eryn Grace says:

    I like this: 'Bask in the joy and comfort of knowing the Almighty Lord of the Universe reached down from His throne to choose you to be His child.' It reminds me of that sunset. God chose us…and shows us at the end of every day. Thank you! 🙂