Christmas – Just One Word: Jesus

“The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” John 1:14
  • The powerful Word who spoken into blackness, “Let there be light.”
  • The glorious Word who filled the temple with fire.
  • The tender Word who spoke to Mary and Joseph.

This power, glory, and tenderness became flesh and walked among us.

I love these beautiful truths expressed by Ruth Rosen of Jews for Jesus:

“How amazing that God became less, in order to be like us…
so that we could become more like Him.”

“It is said that a picture paints a thousand words.
And yet, with just One Word, God painted a thousand pictures.”

God’s light come to earth, now shining in His children.

How have you experienced God’s light in the 2014?

Jews for Jesus  Mission Statement: We exist to make the messiahship of Jesus and unavoidable issue to our Jewish people worldwide..
I’ve been blessed to support them for over 30 years.

Photo credit: Names of Jesus

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    The Conversation

  1. Carol Weeks says:

    God's light shines so brightly, and we are all so blessed to see it…

  2. So true, Carol. We are all so blessed. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Love her quote:) "And yet, with just One Word, God painted a thousand pictures." It is neat to think about God's light shining through us. Hopefully, it is very bright!
    ~ Judy

  4. I love that quote, too, Judy. His light certainly shines through your photography.Thanks for commenting. Merry Christmas!