Can You Bear It 10 Times?


It was going to be nice and simple.

I already had my verse chosen.


How many times can that be a significant idea in Scripture?

Not thinking clearly, I decided to do a word search on bear.

Oh My Gosh!!!

As I read them, I found that Bear relates to every facet
of Christian life!

Could I choose just one?


So here we go: the first bear

Genesis 17:19 Then God said, “Yes, but your wife
Sarah will bear you a son,
and you will call him Isaac.

A seemingly impossible promise.

Abraham was 100 years old; Sarah was 90.

How did Abraham react to this amazing news?

He laughed!

“Even God can’t do that!” he said

God answered Abraham’s lack of faith with, “Yes, but…”

How many times have I been an Abraham?

I pray so hard for an answer in a difficult situation.

Yet, deep in my heart, I whisper, “Even God can’t do that!”

Praise the Lord, He is a God of mercy and grace!

His answer to my weak faith?

“Yes, but…”

The seemingly impossible became possible.

Sometimes, in the face of my most sincere prayers, God said,

“No, but…”

My ears hear the “no” but ignore the “but”
  • But, I am sovereign and My purpose will be accomplished.
  • But, I will walk with you and draw close to you.
  • But, I will answer when the time is perfect.
  • But, I will answer beyond your wildest dreams.

He knows our weak faith and yet He loves us.
He hears us whisper, “God can’t…” but He can.
He sees our doubt and yet He answers.
Trust your Almighty Father!

He loves you beyond your wildest dreams.


When have you gone to God with an impossible request?

How has He blessed you when a “No, but…” became a “Yes, but…”?




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1 Comment

    The Conversation

  1. Anonymous says:

    Well said Sherry.
