Can I Have a Word?

But as for you, continue in what you have learned. 2 Timothy 3:14

I don’t do New Year’s resolutions, I do words.

Or, I should say, one word.

Beginning several weeks before New Year’s Day, I ask God
what He wants me to learn in the coming year. That’s a dangerous question. The conversation goes something like this:

Lord, what word do I need to focus on this year? Hmm…I don’t
like that word. That’s too hard and I might actually have to change. Yes, I
know You’re the Boss. How about Chocolate? That’s a good word. No? Well, OK.
We’ll go with Your word.”

These are my words for the past few years: 
  • 2012 – Contentment
  • 2013 – Contentment (I’m stubborn)
  • 2014 – Discipline

So here we are at 2015. God chose the word and I eventually gave in.

The word (drum roll, please) – Intentional

Yes, Intentional.

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as “done in a way that is
On purpose, deliberate. Determined to follow God’s plan.

I’ve spent the past three years learning about choices.
I have to choose to be content. I have to choose to be

I have to be intentional.

Contentment can be drowned out by the noise of a difficult

Discipline can hide behind a thousand excuses.

I have to be intentional in my attitudes and actions to follow His guidance and to be obedient.
So, in 2015, I will work on being intentional.

I will choose to be content. I’ll intentionally focus on the
blessings God gives me each day.

I will choose to be disciplined. I’ll intentionally ask for
God’s guidance and for the desire to follow Him.

One hour at a time; one day at a time.
  • Intentional to worship Him and be quiet before Him.
  • Intentional to rest when He calls me to rest.
  • Intentional to love my family.
  • Intentional to write when He gives me words.
  • Intentional to meet the goals He sets before me.

I have to choose to be Intentional.

It might take me all year – maybe next year too!
Spend time with God and ask Him what to focus on in 2015.
Can it be summed up in a word?
 If you have a focus and would like a free picture or graphic to represent that word or short phrase, contact Traci Michele

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    The Conversation

  1. Jean Carter says:

    Wow I don't think I can be as dedicated as you are. I need many words. Maybe I should work on being with God each day. Let Him be in control instead of me.

    • I think that's what God's telling me with this one word, I'm a whole lot better at hearing than I am at doing. Doesn't James say something about that? 🙂
      Thanks for taking the time to read this and comment! I know how busy you are. I'm excited to see you in a week. Love you!

  2. Mary Scro says:

    My word is WARFARE, specifically about praying more…intentionally…to bring the Kingdom of God into people's lives and situations. Not just when I feel like it, but every day. Thanks for sharing, Sherry!!