Outside the Box!


When I went to the Christian Writer’s Conference in the Blue
Ridge Mountains of North Carolina in May, I was super excited, and a little
apprehensive. You see, I took my “baby,” the new Bible study I’m writing, to
show to a few agents, editors, and publisher types.
Here’s what they all said: This is amazing, so imaginative
and innovative! I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s great, BUT
It seems that publishers have a box that defines what a
Bible study should be like, and a box that defines fiction, and one that defines
nonfiction. My wonderful, imaginative study was outside the boxes.
Bummer! The roller coaster that took me so high at their complimentary
words brought me crashing down in the end.
I dragged myself home, with a pouty face, and began to whimper
in Daddy God’s lap. Then I heard Him whisper:
“It’s OK, Sherry. I do my best work outside the box.”
As I looked back through Scripture, and my own life, I saw
what He meant.
Remember parting the Red Sea? If you were to ask all the
wise men and scientists, they would have said that was impossible.

Nature doesn’t
work that way. All the laws of science and physics forbid it.

But, God worked outside the box and
saved the people of Israel from Pharaoh’s army.
Have you heard of Rahab? You have to go to the book of
Joshua, in the Bible, to hear her story. She was a prostitute in the city of
Jericho – yes, a prostitute. And yet, because she believed in God, He used her
to give His people victory over Jericho and to lead them into the Promised
God used a prostitute –  that’s outside the box!
The examples go on and on:
  • God transformed Paul, a zealous Christian-hater, into a man
    who told millions about Jesus.
  • God chose Timothy, an inexperienced young man, to lead one
    of the most important churches in New Testament times.
  • God chose me, an engineer who worked at NASA, to write Bible
  • He chooses you, calls you, and uses you.
But, above all, He chose to send His only Son down from
Heaven to walk on the earth and to die for all of us so our sins can be
forgiven and we can become His children.
Now, that’s outside the box!
The next time someone says to you, “That will never happen –
it’s impossible!”,
Think about the Red Sea. If God wants it done, it will be
When your thoughts condemn you and you think God can’t use
you because of your past,
Remember Rahab. God can use anyone who believes in Him.
If you’re scared because you think you’re totally
unqualified to do what God’s asked you to,
Look at me. A fifty-something engineer can write Bible
studies because God enables me to do it.
So, what about my new Bible study? If God wants it
published, it will be. If He has another purpose for it, then that will happen.
It doesn’t matter what anyone says because…
God does His best work outside the box!
Is there something God calls you to do that seems
impossible? Will you trust Him?
When has God worked outside the box in your life?

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    The Conversation

  1. This is an amazing study! Keep going and watch what God does. Love you

  2. Caroline says:

    OH, Sherry, hoping God will show you the way to go with this, and he will!! I grieve whenever wonderful, GREAT authors are denied publishing because of this reason. Bless you! I too write outside the box.

  3. Caroline says:

    Sherry, my heart grieves when such good, no, great authors are denied publishing for such reasons. Bless you. I know God will show you the direction to go with this book. I too write outside the box. 🙂

  4. I feel the same way! Like what I'm writing doesn't fit with what's currently on the market. I'd love to read a little of what you have. Based on the other comment, maybe we need to start a group . . .

  5. Leigh Powers says:

    ((hugs)) I know it's hard to get that kind of mixed feedback. But congratulations on a job well done, and hang in there. You'll find the right place for it.

  6. God gave Gideon a plan for victory that was outside the box. 300 men took on an army as numerous as locusts! Thank you for the encouragement to think God-sized thoughts and God-sized dreams. We can follow His way and trust Him for the result. I am praying for your Bible study and what happens with it. I think it's beautiful. May God open just the right doors! I am trusting Him for open doors too.

    • Thank you for the encouragement, Katy! As I was writing this post, God brought to mind lots of times in scripture when He went outside the box. We are in good company!

  7. Lyneta Smith says:

    I love this, Sherry! I can't wait to read your out-of-the-box Bible study.

  8. Jean Carter says:

    Sherry this study sounds exciting, but then you do good work with Gods help. Keep hanging in there. You are special to all who know you.

  9. I really appreciate your blog post. My children's books are outside the box— as I was told at a writer's conference. They don't fit the perimeters of a story book; nor do they fit the perimeters of a picture book, even though the professionals liked the story and they liked the illustrations. I call them story books with pictures.
    BUT I believe they are of God. I self-published all 5 of them and am having reasonable success with selling them outside of the boxes.
    Sherry, I pray that your Bible study goes exactly where the Lord designed for it to go. God bless you.

  10. Wonderful, Connie! P pray God continues to bless your out-of-the-box books!

  11. Pam Glover says:

    Sherry, well-written, and point taken!

  12. Thanks for stopping by, Pam! I'm so glad we reconnected.