Beauty and Blessing

I spent this  week at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christians Writers Conference, lovingly called BRMCWC for short.  Ridgecrest Conference Center – what an amazing place.

In between the classes, there are the reunions with precious writer friends and the excitement of making new ones.

And then there is the beauty!

And, above all, the amazing presence of God! Peace, joy – this place is a sanctuary for me.

Is there a place that brings you close to God?

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    The Conversation

  1. Thanks for the reminder of our beautiful week! So good seeing you and Jann again! Thanks for the bling. 🙂

  2. Mary Scro says:

    Yes, it is a place of beauty and peace, for sure! missed seeing you all, hope it was a blessed week!

    • We missed seeing you, too. It was just me, Ginger, and our member-in-absentia, Cyle. Looking forward to our June meeting. I don't know if I'll get anything new up but I'll join in either way.

  3. Mary says:

    It was so good to see you Sherry!! Excited to hear the rest of your dreams! ?

  4. Thanks for stopping by, Vonda. When you use all that stuff, send me a picture 🙂

  5. It was wonderful to see you there, and spend time chatting! Thank you for posting this about the campus, because I love Ridgecrest too. The conference is like a second home to me. Love it!