Does Your Face Shine?

He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn Ps 37:6

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “Her face lit up!”

with excitement.

with the sight of a loved one

with good news

But we don’t think about our faces shining with righteousness.

When we walk through difficult days, those around us see our faces shining with a peace beyond understanding – even though we are unaware.

When we struggle with tight finances, others notice the faint glow of trust in God’s provision – even though we feel as if our faith is stretched too tightly.

In the midst of sorrow, many see an underlying joy – a joy we don’t feel.

When I worked at Johnson Space Center, my coworkers were of various faiths. When my Mom died and I returned from several days off, many of them approached me to ask about the peace they saw, even through my sorrow. I told them the support of my Christian friends and my faith in the resurrection gave me the assurance that I’d see her again.

Peace, trust, joy. Those around us marvel at the faith they see in us. The shine on our faces causes them to want what we have.

God uses our radiant faces to draw an unbelieving world to Him.

When have you felt God’s peace or joy radiating through you?

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