Excerpts from Storms of Life, Yellow: Joy

Ever notice that smiley faces are always yellow?

Sunny, bright, happy.


We all know Joy goes deeper than happiness. Happiness is based on circumstances.

Joy is underlying sense of – what? How do we define joy in a spiritual sense? Abiding sense of happiness? Blend of faith, hope, and love?

I love this definition posted by Rick Warren on his blog DAILYHOPE (April 2, 2012):

Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright, and the determined choice to praise God in every situation.

Settled assurance…
                    Quiet confidence…
                               Determined choice to praise

Joy grows out of a conscious choice to praise.

Storms of Life Chapter 6, Day 4

God inhabits praise! He’ll rise up within you when you praise Him. No matter how you feel, your soul will take baby steps toward joy and strength as words of praise tumble from your lips. I know, you won’t feel like it when you start, but with every word you’ll feel a little better. Praise lifts your heart and fills your soul with the certainty He’s with you to bring His light and love into your darkest moments.

When you praise the Lord, even as tears are wetting your cheeks with sorrow, not only does the light of joy begin to dawn in your soul, but the pain in your heart will lessen just a little. Praise softens your heart and allows your desire to be with Him to grow. You’ll hunger for His presence and thirst for His Word.

Praise turns you on to Jesus! You spiritual nerves wake up and you become aware of His presence. Your face lifts toward Heaven instead of studying the dirt on the floor. His Word ministers to you instead of lying dry in your heart. Tears will still fall, but they’ll be healing tears. God is always with you—praise enables you to be with Him.”

Easy words, but how do we pull it off when the storm’s raging?

The Holy Spirit within you will enable you. He’ll bring words of praise songs to your mind,. He’ll remind you of the small joyful things that have happened recently. 

He is a spring of living water, welling up inside you. He keeps flowing and replenishing. When fear, disappointment, or helplessness threaten, allow the Spring of Living Water to wash them away with Joy.

Listen to the beautiful song “Praise the Lord,” written by Russ Taff and performed by the Imperials. 

“Praise the Lord, for the chains that seem to bind you serve only to remind you, that they drop powerless behind you when you praise Him.”

Praise the Lord

How does the Holy Spirit fill you with a sense of joy during hard times?
If this post blesses you, please share.

Next post: Green – Growth

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    The Conversation

  1. Barb Wexler says:

    Love your blog, Sherry!

  2. Eryn Grace says:

    Joy–perfect! The chains will drop when we praise Him! I agree! And to me, JOY means 'Jesus-Others-You.' AMEN to yellow! 🙂

  3. Thanks for your encouraging words and song during a difficult time. Prayers greatly appreciated:)

    • I'm so glad you were encouraged. It is a wonderful song. You are in my prayers. I'm visiting with grandkids now but, when I get home, we should talk. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!