Excerpt from Storms of Life, Blue: Calm

Storms of Life Chapter 3, Day 5
As the storm intensified, the disciples shook Jesus and cried out, ‘Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?’ Don’t You care? . . . How often I’ve said that to Him.

‘Don’t You care if I drown in assignments at work?’
‘Don’t You care if I’m overwhelmed by the continual demands of my toddler?’
‘Don’t You care if my finances are a wreck?’
Why do I use the turmoil in my day as a measure of His love for me?
When Jesus heard the cry of the disciples, He immediately rebuked the storm and all became quiet. Don’t you wish He’d stand in the midst of your storm and silence it? Often He doesn’t choose to do that, but He can calm the whirlwind  in your heart and mind. Only Jesus can bring peace as the storm rages. Only Jesus can keep your feet on the Solid Rock when everything is shifting under your feet.”

The Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, Texas, is a complex of several buildings. A tunnel connects the two largest buildings As you walk through the tunnel, the color of the walls change.

It’s amazing how our sensations and emotions are affected just by the colors around us. When the tunnel walls are blue, people feel cool and calm.

Feeling calm during the height of a crisis seems impossible but the Holy Spirit can infuse our hearts and minds with calm.

Some are able to take a deep breath and calm their spirits but I’ve never been good at that. God has to pull me out of my pity party remind me of His grace.

A walk in the park. The blue sky of summer, the songs of the birds, the smell
of the flowers…The crisp air of winter, the crunch of snow beneath our feet, the bare branches with their promise of spring, the winter birds pecking in the snow…
These help us to move our focus off the fear and listen to God’s calming voice.

Time with a friend. Someone to listen, someone to pray with, someone to drag us out shopping. A friend’s love wraps around our aching hearts and reminds us of God’s precious promises.

 Allow God to show you how to calm your heart: Music? Playing with your pets?  Coffee with a friend? A lighthearted book or a funny movie?

Let Him lift your spirits and soothe your mind.

How do you quiet your mind in the middle of the storm?

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  1. Eryn Grace says:

    Thank you for this post! I need calm right now. LOL! Blue is perfect, too.