Psalm 23: The Wonder of it All

I thought I knew Psalm 23.

I’ve read it a hundred times.

I’ve heard it read another hundred times.

I’ve quoted it…well, you get the point. 

Then, one day, as I was making my way through Psalms (for the hundredth time), I came to this familiar passage.

I felt God say to me,

“You’ve never really read this, have you?”
“Sure I have.”
“You’ve missed the layers of grace that enrich these words.”

And so I began the  that created this blog series.

God was right – isn’t He always?

David knew his Lord in a way few of us do.

His intimate relationship is woven through every word.

Through these verses, he worships the perfect, indescribable character of God.

There are too many to name but these are a few that spoke to my heart.
The links will take you back to that particular post.

This is where it all began.

The Lord is my Shepherd Psalm 23:1
He watches over me, He provides for me, He guides me.
He is all I need,

He leads me beside quiet waters Psalm 23:2
He refreshes me, He restores me, He calls me aside to rest.
He is my peace.

He guides me in paths of righteousness Psalm 23:3
He leads me, He teaches me, He disciplines me.
He purifies me

He is with me Psalm 23:4
He never abandons me, He is my light in the darkness
I am never alone

His rod and staff comfort me Psalm 23:4
I am always in His sight, He rescues me, He protects me.
He is my caregiver

He prepares a table before me Psalm 23:5
He sits me at the table of victory, even though my enemies still surround me.
He holds His victory banner over me.

He anoints my head with oil Psalm 23:5
He tenderly soothes me, He sets me apart as His own
I am His and He is mine
Jehovah M’Kaddesh

He blesses me and I will live with Him forever Psalm 23:6
He is the Lover of my soul, He is my salvation, He is my eternal life
He is the everlasting God
El Olam

And so this series ends.

I have never studied a passage that has moved me like this one.

I pray these posts have blessed you as much as they have me.

If they have touched your heart, please share.

As you read through Psalm 23, what verse blesses you the most?

“All the Divine Names and Titles in the Bible” by Herbert Lockyer was my source for the Jewish names of God.
Names of God photo credit Kelly Wright
Shepherd photo courtesy

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    The Conversation

  1. Eryn Grace says:

    Fantastic series! I agree…very moving and educational. I'll never read nor hear it the same way again, because you've helped me really understand it. Thank you!

  2. I'll never see it the same way either. God's Word is AMAZING!!