Knit 1, Purl 1


For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s

Psalms 139:13

It’s bathing suit time…staring in the mirror at myself, God
reminded me that I’m His masterpiece.

I love to do needlework: knit, crochet, embroidery, cross
stitch…I do it all.

Tiny stitches on a needlework canvas form an intricate
pattern and eventually reveal a beautiful picture.

 Rows of stitches from a soft
yarn result in a comfy, warm afghan or blanket.

Whenever I sit down with bundles of yarn or embroidery
thread in my lap, I’m always excited to watch the pattern emerge.
have a picture in my mind of what I want it to be and I carefully make each
stitch to bring my vision to reality.

I like to think I inherited my love of needlework from my
heavenly Father.

Imagine His excitement as He wove the characteristics of
your mother and father together to make the unique person you are.
  • Should you have brown eyes or green?
  • Should your hair be blonde or brunette?
  • Should you be a size 2 or 22?
With loving care, your Father knit you together. Over the
months and years, His beautiful vision has come to life.
You are the unique
masterpiece He had in mind when He made that first stitch.

How often do we look in the mirror and criticize His
handiwork? Do we wish we were more patient or more outgoing?

Your crazy sense
of humor…

Your hair that won’t behave when it’s humid…

Those hips you


Everything about you was lovingly crafted into a work of art. God created
you just as are because He wanted the joy of knowing you.

No one else is you.
You are His favorite creation—and so is the lady who lives next door, the
grocery clerk, and so am I.

The next time you decide you could’ve been designed better,
imagine your Father’s hands forming each stitch…
knit 1, purl 1.
Knitting photo credit
Image in mirror photo credit Daily Mail
What is it about you that makes God smile?

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    The Conversation

  1. Mary Scro says:

    this gave me a much-needed smile today, and inspired me to put more effort into being the best "me" I can be. Blessings, Sherry, and thank you!

  2. Eryn Grace says:

    God probably laughs at some of the things that've happened in my life. I know I do. He was definitely part of it, and I can see His handiwork in all the wonderful things that have happened. Even some of the bad things have turned fantastic, thanks to Him.

    Thanks for posting! You're so right. 🙂